Japanese Geisha's are basically the hosts and servers of the very popular Tea Ceremony. The Japanese Tea Ceremony is a choreographed party of serving, and drinking tea. There, the Geisha's are to entertain guests, and preform various forms of preforming arts.  "Gei" means 'The Preforming of Art' and "sha" means people.

Geisha's are commonly believed to be prostitutes, but are not. They are professionally trained in many types of preforming arts, such as from playing instruments and singing, to dancing, preforming the tea ceremony, arranging flowers, and wearing kimonos. 

The Art of preforming the Tea Ceremony takes years to master. It is the way of life for many of the girls in both Japan and China. They begin their training at age 5 or 6. The founder of this ceremony was Sen No Rikyu.


 Geisha's are icons of Japans past, and are part of her Secret Societies.
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