Japanese Art Printing.

The art of printing has become one of the more popular forms of art in Japan. The word 'Hanga' means 'print' in Japanese.

Japans pints are made in many different styles, sizes, shapes, and colors. Depending on their meaning, and purpose. Prints are also called 'Ukiyo-e' and first started in the 16th century.

The first of Japans wood block prints were made at temples, and were givin free to believers. They were commonly images of deities or sections of sacred sutras. But ones made at home, to expensive to give out, were usually images of mountains, and landscapes. Also commonly Calligraphy. Woodblock prints like those, were considered to expensive for the common people.

Many Prints repersented famouse people, places, landscapes, Kabuki Theaters, wrriors, urban life, and much more. Much of the prints were used on posters, reproduced in books, and other materials, for mass consuption.

Some of the more commonly known and most popular art prints are the ones of "Pictures of the Floating World". They are tipicaly color full, emotive, and were made for popular audiences.  

 The great wave at Kanagawa is one of Japans most famouse WoodBlock Prints.
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